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    1. What is ValWallet?

    ValWallet is an online marketplace platform allowing customers to access deals on products and services offered by merchants. The platform allows customers to purchase deals and pay electronically using their existing mobile money wallet accounts.

    Customers can also use ValWallet to make instant purchase at physical and online stores using USSD, Web or Mobile Application. ValWallet offers a platform that can be used to pay physical merchants for transport, fuel, food and grocery, school fees, hotels, utilities, just to name a few.

    2. How do you subscribe to ValWallet?

    Subscribing to ValWallet is very easy:

    • Merchants can subscribe by dialing *543# and follow the registration process.
    • Customers subscribe by dialing *544# on their phone and follow the registration process.

    Customers can also subscribe by downloading ValWallet mobile application on AppStore and/or PlayStore.

    3. Who is eligible to use ValWallet?

    Any merchant or Customer is eligible to use ValWallet.

    4. How can I contact ValWallet?

    For any enquiries related to ValWallet, customers can reach out ValWallet via email at info@valwallet.com or through contact information provided in the website.

    5. How does one have access to ValWallet?

    Registration needs to be completed in order to access ValWallet.

    After the registration process is completed:

    • Merchants can access ValWallet by dialing *543#.
    • Customers can access ValWallet by dialing *544#.

    In order to pay a physical merchant, customers can use a simple shortcut to allow them to purchase for goods or services by dialing on their phone *544*MerchantID*Amount#, with:

    • MerchantID being the unique merchant code used (or displayed in shops) by merchants; and
    • Amount being the actual amount to pay to a merchant.

    6. What is the difference between ValWallet and Mobile Payments Service Providers?

    ValWallet is an online marketplace, connecting customers to merchants. In order to enable a customer to pay for a service or good, ValWallet has partnered with Mobile Money service providers such that Merchants or customers can pay or receive mobile payments using their regular accounts.

    Mobile Payment Service Providers offers mobile financial services as a secure and convenient way of payment for its subscribers. ValWallet does not replace your Mobile Money Account.

    7. What are my benefits in subscribing to ValWallet?

    As a customer, you will be able to access promotional products and services at discounted rates.

    As an online/physical merchant, you will be able to receive instant payments for your goods and services from customers their mobile wallet account. In addition, you will have access to a dashboard with reports about sales, transactions and your customers to increase marketing campaign and sales.

    8. Why do I need ValWallet?

    For Customers, you need ValWallet:

    • To access the best deals and promotions and pay conveniently for goods and services.

    For merchants, you need ValWallet:

    • To increase sales of products and services using ValWallet platform
    • To increase visibility of your products and services
    • To receive instant payment for your goods and services
    • To track transactions using a dashboard with reports about sales, transactions
    • To increase customer base through targeted marketing campaign and sales.